Wednesday, December 25, 2019

100% Picture Proof: Jesus Married a Black Woman | Dr. Gene Kim

I feel Dr. Gene Kim will be amongst my fave pastors.

I have only watched this video from his channel and I can say, he is aweoms.

He preaches more on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Watch this and see for yourself.

Will update more of his videos after watching them.

So stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our first Kids Ministry in Tatala, Binangonan Philippines

We may make our plans but still God has the last words.

2 months after the death of my mama, I was led to fulfill a purpose.

Not mine but God's purpose.

I didn't expect it would come this fast.

I am amazed how He has comforted me over the loss of my mama by leading to this.

Yes. My mama is gone. But i bet she is smiling at me right now,
watching in heaven with these wonderful kids.

If you lost a loved one guys, it is okay to mourn, be broken, hurt, in pain, depressed(for a short time).

But don't let it become your life.

You still have a purpose.

Just let God lead you to it.

We thank the wonderful people and friends who have helped us make this possible.

You know who you are and I pray God will continue to bless you all abundantly so you can bless more people, especially the children.



Remember, JESUS is the main reason for the season.

Be blessed

I am still in the process of creating a website for this and will update you soon guys.