Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

50 Jesus/God/ Christian Quotes that Heals Depression

Sharing these beautiful Jesus / God quotes that served as one of my fuels to strengthen my faith.

It has also helped me cure my depression, anxieties and worries

believing that there is One God up above who loves us so much.

And that He will never leave us or forsake us.

I’ve grabbed them from across my social media networks from my facebook,
pinterest, twitter and friends.

Got so blessed by them everytime and now sharing them all to you in series.

Kudos and respect to all the creators of these beautiful photos.

You have contributed in my faith well.

Keep it up and please share more so many people can be blessed
and get to know God and Jesus more.

I will share more. Feel free to share your fave Jesus , Christian quotes too in here yah?

Don’t forget to Subscribe for more:)

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Joyce Meyer - How Your Mind Affects Your Walk with God Sermon 2017

Joyce Meyer - How Your Mind Affects Your Walk with God Sermon 2017

 As a Christian, your mind is an integral part of your Christian walk.

 The devil loves to play with your mind feeding you with thoughts of defeat, fears, worries which distract you from fulfilling God's purpose in your life.

 Let's listen to Joyce Meyer and what she has to say about the battle in our mind.
 Be blessed!


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Our Sundays Be Like with Jesus in our lives. #CurlyChristians

I love to edit videos especially when it makes me money.

But this time, it's different.

I get an amazing feeling editing and producing vblogs for Jesus.

This is our other page which me and my Christian friends  created

main purpose is to let Jesus be known to LBTQ community.

I know LBTQ is a sensitive issue.

Society and even churches don't want us.

and almost everyone just want to stay away from God.

Which is sad.

Because in my personal , spiritual life, I need God and Jesus more than ever.

Jesus has been my peace and comfort from all the pains, frustrations and heartaches

that this world has to give.

Jesus won the battles for me.

Jesus has been my strength and source of wisdom,

that is why I survived this mad, fallen world.

GOOD NEWS right?

I won't talk much for now, just enjoy and be blessed in our lil vblog.

Don't forget to Follow us on (Curly Christians)
and let's chat:)

Remember, God wants you back because He loves you so.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Prayer To Increase Capacity to Receive from God

Got so blessed by this prayer. We all feel guilty on this truth.

We always God is thrifty and doesn't have the capacity to bless us abundantly.

We think that way because we really don't know Him at all.

I am glad Joseph Prince declared this to us. and I so well received it.

Be bless! Because you are God's Beloved!

He wants you well!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Family restored through the power of right believing | New Creation Church

Family restored through the power of right believing | New Creation Church

Truly, this is the POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING!


It all started as a social pastime. But as days passed, the stakes grew higher and he became addicted to gambling. Unable to rid himself of the addiction, Deacon Matthew Kang watched helplessly as his life went downhill and his marriage was reduced to shambles. Watch Deacon Matthew's inspiring testimony, filmed in 2011, as he retells how the power of right believing in God's grace set him free from bondage, and restored his family.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Justin Bieber on Religion

Justin Bieber on Religion

You are loved by God no matter what Justin.

So don't feel condemn. And do not listen to those Christians who keep

pointing their fingers at you.

They are not God. and they never die at the cross for you.

Just listen to Jesus only. He wants a relationship with you.

He is your bestfriend and protector.

He shall bless your soul more so you can live for His glory.

He is using you now.

Feel His presence and speak in tongues always. 

Put on the armour of God for it is your shield agains all evils in this world.


Justin Bieber - I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever

so glad Justin Bieber is filling up his heart with JESUS...

the BEST THING HE CAN DO.. People...

believers, Christians or non-believers will keep judging him.. his ways, his lifestyle.

 But I believe, at the end of the's just between Him and God.

 For God looks at the heart and not through one's failures or mistakes.

Over the mountains and the sea,
Your river runs with love for me,
And I will open up my heart
And let the healer set me free.
I'm happy to be in the truth,
And I will daily lift my hands:
For I will always sing of when
Your love came down.

I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever. 
I could sing of your love forever.
Oh, I feel like dancing
It's foolishness I know;
But when the world has seen the light,
They will dance with joy, 
Like we're dancing now.

Monday, February 12, 2018

There's A Catch | Pastor Steven Furtick

In every life, when the devil keeps feeding you with bad and scary thoughts of your future,

 you must learn to reject it and feed yourself with sermons like these.

 Steve Furtick is an amazing preacher.

 He gives me goosebumps everytime and WOOOW!

 The Word of God is alive again!

 He teaches not to lean or rely on our feelings but instead rely on
 God's promises in the Bible which are so true!

 This sermon has lifted my spirit up.

 Keep feeding your faith with this kind of Jesus-teachings and one day,
you'd be surprised, you get stung in JESUS' love!

 BE BLESSED! Don't forget to subscribe and let's share our journey together.