Showing posts with label joseph prince. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joseph prince. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jesus Took Your Place So That You Can Take Hi

You know iphone/ smart phones are cool devices to help us get through our daily tasks.

We use it to communicate with our friends and loved ones anywhere in the world.

These days. iphone/smart phones are even used at work, like having whatsapp groups to update with
colleagues in a certain projects and daily work.

It's really revolutionising the way we manage our lives...especially social media life.

Now, I am sharing you one of my fave devotional apps, it's Joseph Prince' devotional app.

It's really handy in keeping your spirit and faith up. So I suggest dear friends, equipt yourself with this,

I have been building up my faith my reading, hearing Jesus' preachings like this.

and it's true, because it's in the Bible that says, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God."  Romans 10:17

The Word of God doesn't come back to you void. Let us keep holding unto His promises until His purpose in us will manifest. Amen?

Enjoy today's devotional my friend. I still have a lot of stuff to share with you so please don't forget to Subscribe yah?

God bless you.

Daily Devotional
Jesus Took Your Place So That You Can Take His

Matthew 27:46
46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?&rdquo
Do you know that it was at the cross that Jesus addressed His Father as “God” for the first time? He had always addressed His Father as “Father”. But at Calvary’s tree, He addressed His Father as “God”.
Jesus lost that Father-Son relationship when He was representing you and carrying your sins at the cross so that today, you can call God “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15) and have a loving father-son relationship with God forever. Jesus was forsaken by God and His world became very dark on that lonely hill so that in your darkest hour, God will always say to you, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” (Hebrews 13:5)
At the time when Jesus needed God most, God turned His back on Him. God had to turn His back on His Son because His eyes are too holy to behold all the sin that was in His Son’s body. And because God turned His back on Jesus, He will never turn His back on you. Instead, you will see God’s face of favour shining on you all the time!
Jesus also took your place of no protection at the cross. For the first time, He gave up divine protection so that you can have it every day of your life! And because He became sin, He took your curse at the cross so that today, as you take His gift of righteousness, you receive only blessings from God.
Jesus received the full brunt of God’s wrath in His body once and for all when He carried your sins. All of God’s anger and condemnation fell on Him, consuming all your sins until God’s wrath was exhausted.
Today, God is not angry with you. The body of Jesus absorbed everything — your sins, curses, and God’s anger and condemnation. So live life expecting to see not the judgment, but the goodness and blessings of God

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Joseph Prince - The Rapture—Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times - 22 Feb 17

This is my hope. Always waiting for the day that JESUS will come back here on earth.

Come Lord Jesus come!

Your beloved children are waiting.

Look up with joyful expectation because Christ our bridegroom is coming back for us! In this uplifting message, Joseph Prince expounds on the rapture of the church, distinguishing it from the Second Coming of Christ and showing from Scripture why believers will not go through the seven years of great tribulation on earth. Understand clearly also what qualifies you for the rapture and how having this blessed hope of Jesus’ promised return purifies you to live a life that honors Him. Even as the world darkens, find your heart untroubled as you hold on to the liberating truths shared in this pivotal message! Get the full message at: -

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Prayer To Increase Capacity to Receive from God

Got so blessed by this prayer. We all feel guilty on this truth.

We always God is thrifty and doesn't have the capacity to bless us abundantly.

We think that way because we really don't know Him at all.

I am glad Joseph Prince declared this to us. and I so well received it.

Be bless! Because you are God's Beloved!

He wants you well!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Family restored through the power of right believing | New Creation Church

Family restored through the power of right believing | New Creation Church

Truly, this is the POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING!


It all started as a social pastime. But as days passed, the stakes grew higher and he became addicted to gambling. Unable to rid himself of the addiction, Deacon Matthew Kang watched helplessly as his life went downhill and his marriage was reduced to shambles. Watch Deacon Matthew's inspiring testimony, filmed in 2011, as he retells how the power of right believing in God's grace set him free from bondage, and restored his family.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Advice to New Christians/ Believers

Advice to New Christians/ Believers

Was about to doze off but was prompted to share this with you guys.

(Sorry for the sneezing part. got too overwhelmed. lol! )

This is just an advice to new Christians/believers.

 Once you received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you will experience new things, unexpected things.

 The devil will try to pull you away from God because he doesn't want you to live a victorious life in Jesus.

 He will feed you negative thoughts like,

 "You are a Christian now, and look at you, what are you doing with your life."

 the devil will keep pointing at you.


 As a Christian we are WORK IN PROGRESS. We will never be perfect in this world.

 That is why GOD so loved us that HE SENT JESUS to save us from hell!

 So now that you have Jesus in your life, CONGRATULATIONS!!

 He will show you things than you've never imagined.

Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things,
which you do not know!"

 He will restore your health, finances, relationships. of course, it won't happen in a snap.

 While waiting for the manifestations of your faith, just keep worshipping Him..

 And believe He is working behind the scenes.

 DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE here and our youtube channel below too yah?
 MORE sharing to come!

Monday, February 12, 2018

How To Deal with A Broken Heart #MyChristianDiaryExposed Ep 1


How To Deal with A Broken Heart #MyChristianDiaryExposed Ep 1

We filmed this while having our late lunch after a good free massage. :)

 That's why my hair looked like a disaster haha!

 Anyways, we are going to post casual, candid videos like this in my blog.

 We just feel like sharing the word, and sharing our blessings in our own little way.

 We just used my phone on this, guess it's not too bad yah.

 Topic is "How To DEAL A BROKEN HEART" You know why, tons of people around the world experiences this.

 But the difference is, how you take them.

 What you do once you get hit by it. Yeah , it's painful man!

 But you gotta deal with it in cool way and smart way.

 How I did it?


 Yes! All my pains, brokenness, frustrations, sadness, regrets, disappointments,

 I gave it up to JESUS!

 And now I can just smile and say, "JESUS RESTORES A BROKEN HEART BEAUTIFULLY!" enuf said...

just watch our video yah? My parting word, whatever you do,

" TALK IT OUT TO JESUS" HE is your only miracle.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE AND LET's be FRIENDS..
