Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jesus Took Your Place So That You Can Take Hi

You know iphone/ smart phones are cool devices to help us get through our daily tasks.

We use it to communicate with our friends and loved ones anywhere in the world.

These days. iphone/smart phones are even used at work, like having whatsapp groups to update with
colleagues in a certain projects and daily work.

It's really revolutionising the way we manage our lives...especially social media life.

Now, I am sharing you one of my fave devotional apps, it's Joseph Prince' devotional app.

It's really handy in keeping your spirit and faith up. So I suggest dear friends, equipt yourself with this,

I have been building up my faith my reading, hearing Jesus' preachings like this.

and it's true, because it's in the Bible that says, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God."  Romans 10:17

The Word of God doesn't come back to you void. Let us keep holding unto His promises until His purpose in us will manifest. Amen?

Enjoy today's devotional my friend. I still have a lot of stuff to share with you so please don't forget to Subscribe yah?

God bless you.

Daily Devotional
Jesus Took Your Place So That You Can Take His

Matthew 27:46
46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?&rdquo
Do you know that it was at the cross that Jesus addressed His Father as “God” for the first time? He had always addressed His Father as “Father”. But at Calvary’s tree, He addressed His Father as “God”.
Jesus lost that Father-Son relationship when He was representing you and carrying your sins at the cross so that today, you can call God “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15) and have a loving father-son relationship with God forever. Jesus was forsaken by God and His world became very dark on that lonely hill so that in your darkest hour, God will always say to you, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” (Hebrews 13:5)
At the time when Jesus needed God most, God turned His back on Him. God had to turn His back on His Son because His eyes are too holy to behold all the sin that was in His Son’s body. And because God turned His back on Jesus, He will never turn His back on you. Instead, you will see God’s face of favour shining on you all the time!
Jesus also took your place of no protection at the cross. For the first time, He gave up divine protection so that you can have it every day of your life! And because He became sin, He took your curse at the cross so that today, as you take His gift of righteousness, you receive only blessings from God.
Jesus received the full brunt of God’s wrath in His body once and for all when He carried your sins. All of God’s anger and condemnation fell on Him, consuming all your sins until God’s wrath was exhausted.
Today, God is not angry with you. The body of Jesus absorbed everything — your sins, curses, and God’s anger and condemnation. So live life expecting to see not the judgment, but the goodness and blessings of God

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