Showing posts with label Deal with Rejection-Joyce Meyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deal with Rejection-Joyce Meyer. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2019

Deal with Rejection-Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer says- if somebody has mistreated you, devalued you, abused you, criticized you, judged you, done something that has left you wounded, their ignorance is not your fault. I learned that the real problem in my life wasn't what I thought it was. It seemed to me that my circumstances were the issue. But the reality was, the root of the problem was inside me – in my attitudes and perceptions of the things that were going on around me. I had to make a decision to change the way I looked at life and have an attitude adjustment toward the circumstances I was dealing with. No, it wasn't easy. But it was much better getting to the root of the problem and dealing with it than focusing on outward circumstances and not changing at all. I had to change to get free! I finally discovered the root of the problem. By the grace of God, I was determined to get out of the pit of depression and rejection. I decided that while I didn't have a great beginning in my life, I could have a great finish! And I am. Now I know who I am in Christ. I am valuable. I have gifts and abilities that God gave me. I can't do everything, but I can do something. God created me. He has a plan for me and He loves me. I don't have to be like other people. I am ok with who I am. We need to get to the place where our worth, value and security are not based on how others treat us. We need to see ourselves the way God sees us. When you like yourself and have peace with God, you are free to be yourself and let others have their opinions and be who they are. Hear the truth today: God cares about you and you are valuable to Him. He loves you and will never leave you nor forsake you. As a Christian, you have a future and a hope in Christ Jesus. Make the decision to live for Him one day at a time and enjoy the freedom you'll discover in God's love. I believe that many people are angry, discouraged, depressed and hopeless because they're not getting to the real root or cause of their problems. And there are different kinds of roots. One big one for me was rejection. The rejection in my life started when I was really young. My dad abused me because he wasn't happy and had been hurt himself. You see, when people are in pain, they usually mistreat others. It didn't happen because there was something wrong with me or because I had done something wrong to him. The pain and rejection I experienced became rooted in my soul – my mind, will and emotions – and affected the way I viewed my circumstances, causing me to believe things that weren't even true. This deception caused problems in my relationships, especially my marriage. Didn’t you ever read this in the Scriptures? “The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. This is the LORD’s doing, and it is wonderful to see.” —Mark 12:10 –11 NLT We all fear earthly rejection too much. Jesus was rejected, and He survived. You can too! When I say you will survive, I don’t mean you will just barely make it; I mean rejection will not leave you brokenhearted, and it will not stop you from doing what God wants you to do. No one enjoys being rejected, but we can experience it and still be victorious. We are not responsible for our reputations; God is! So relax and keep thinking to yourself, I may not be accepted by everyone, but I am accepted and loved by God. Repeat it over and over until you believe it and are no longer bothered if people reject you. If you have God, you have all you need. If He knows you need anything else, He will provide that also (see Matthew 6:8, 33–34). If you value the unconditional love of God more than the conditional approval of people, you will overcome rejection.