Sunday, July 15, 2018

#MyChristianDiary n0.4 : I decided to vblog for JESUS

This is it!!!
I've decided to vblog for JESUS!
You know why?
Because I wanna share to the whole world how amazing JESUS is
once you accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior.
He is an awesome SAVIOR, HEALER,

Little by little, I'm gonna share with you all how Jesus gave me an amazing life.
No. I don't have the financial freedom yet ( but I am so claiming it!)
Let me just say that He has shown me that living a happy and contented life is not all about
having a fat bank account. It's having PEACE in your heart no matter what comes your way.
It's staying cool when people around you are uncool and annoying.
It's having that PEACE that transcends human understanding.
That whenever you are broken-hearted,
yes you feel the pain that goes along with it,
the tears but still you get back up.
and you are lifted up.
No words can really describe that feeling, but I tell, you I can relate to that.
That is why, some people who can't take the brokeness get depressed and commit suicide,
because they lose hope.
Now, I am here to tell you...JESUS IS YOUR HOPE!
Come to Him and He will make your life great!
Don't forget to subscribe on my youtube channel..
just click on the youube video below
and let's talk.

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