Thursday, January 6, 2022

Joseph Prince: Why The Gospel of Grace Will Change Your Life (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN

There are tons of POWERFUL Gospel truths to absorb in here dear friend.

I suggest you take a note and a pen and save it so you can get back to it anytime.

Phone notes would be good too.

Let me just start a bit of my background before I became a Christian.

You see, I was not brought up a Christian.

My parents were not churchgoers.

My late father, well he went to church and took me along a Roman Catholic church

and from there I've experienced how it is to be in a church.

In a catholic church, we were asked to confess our sins weekly to a priest

who is "hiding" in a cubicle. 

Catholics confessing theirs sins to a priest

As a primary school kid, of course, I obeyed and followed my father.

Prayed, confessed and take the Holy communion after.

When I was in highschool, I went to a Catholic school.

In our school, teachings of partaking the Holy Communion and confessing our sins magnified.

Were not allowed to partake the Holy communion if we weren't able to confess our sins with a priest.

During the month of September, I remember, we had a rosary month where we need to pray the rosary

before starting the class, during breaktime and before the end of class.

Each students will take turn leading to say the rosary.

I was like, God, if you really exist, your life is boring! You are a boring God!

Make me wanna do this and that. A lot of things to follow etc.

So when I was in my college days, going to church was become a must-law

because I was always scared of God hunting down my sins if I don't confess.

On and on, it became a boring habit and became a struggle in my life.

God! My family is poor. We are struggling to live day by day, My parents couldn't pay 

my tuition fee so everytime we had a Final Examination , I need to compose a promisorry letter. (lol!

Not sure if the spelling is right.) and where are You??

I talked to Him and said, "Are you making our lives difficult because of our sins?? We don;'t have food to 

eat God???"

Fast forward to my first working months, or years after college.

I totally stopped going to church.

I was so tired of life's struggles already and then when talking about going to church

I feel even more stressed!

I said, "Lord, I need a life!"

So just before coming here in Singapore to try another journey in life.

I went to a catholic church in Manila, Philippines for the last time and I can still remember what I said to 

Him that day.

I said, "God, this will be my last stomp here in your church. I am now going to Singapore to venture

another journey of life. I am. not gonna ask you anything now. I'm already tired of trying to meet 

your expectations. But for now, this is me. Accept of reject me. I am tired of asking so many things, 

favours from you already. So goodbye!."

And yes! indeed, that was my last moment in a catholic church in Philippines before flying to Singapore...


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