Saturday, May 21, 2022

What is so GOOD about Good Friday?

What is so GOOD about Good Friday?

What is so GOOD about Good Friday? (by Roger Tanton) What is so good, somebody might ask In a day about death, a day that’s so dark? What is so good, we’d eat hot cross buns? Let’s see what good, Good Friday has done… Just like a cross on a letter shows love The cross of Jesus displays love from above God shows us he’s GOOD, not only in word But in flesh and in blood, have you not heard? A cross is a sign that a test has been failed Yet the one who was perfect his body was nailed Our fails are the reason he hung on the tree His death is the good that sets mankind free A cross is a marker where treasure is found The good Jesus was buried and sealed in the ground But the grave could not hold him, Jesus is risen! New life can be ours and treasures in heaven Just like a crossroad, we’re faced with a choice The cross is God’s call, do you hear his good voice? Either we’ll pay for sin, and forever be lost Or Jesus is willing to pay our great cost So before you eat of your hot cross bun Look at the cross that speaks of God’s Son Come, feel the peace that Good Friday can bring For all who make Jesus their Saviour and King #GoodFriday #Easter #thecross #Jesuspaiditall #hotcrossbuns

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