Thursday, February 22, 2018

Justin Bieber on Religion

Justin Bieber on Religion

You are loved by God no matter what Justin.

So don't feel condemn. And do not listen to those Christians who keep

pointing their fingers at you.

They are not God. and they never die at the cross for you.

Just listen to Jesus only. He wants a relationship with you.

He is your bestfriend and protector.

He shall bless your soul more so you can live for His glory.

He is using you now.

Feel His presence and speak in tongues always. 

Put on the armour of God for it is your shield agains all evils in this world.


Justin Bieber - I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever

so glad Justin Bieber is filling up his heart with JESUS...

the BEST THING HE CAN DO.. People...

believers, Christians or non-believers will keep judging him.. his ways, his lifestyle.

 But I believe, at the end of the's just between Him and God.

 For God looks at the heart and not through one's failures or mistakes.

Over the mountains and the sea,
Your river runs with love for me,
And I will open up my heart
And let the healer set me free.
I'm happy to be in the truth,
And I will daily lift my hands:
For I will always sing of when
Your love came down.

I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever,
I could sing of your love forever. 
I could sing of your love forever.
Oh, I feel like dancing
It's foolishness I know;
But when the world has seen the light,
They will dance with joy, 
Like we're dancing now.

Monday, February 19, 2018

What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church? A Parable

I am a Christian FOR YEARS!!!

and in those years, I have learnt that Christianity has  2 types of Christian?

(I am surprised...when there should be only ONE!)

One type of Christian is they are "UNDER LAW"...

 they still cling too much on themselves, they boast in their self-righteousness

 and works to please God to the point that once they see you doing bad things

 or not pleasing to their eyes, they will condemn or judge you.

 I call them "The accusers!"

Instead of worshipping God, they will spend their time telling you it's bad to have

tattoos, even if it's a Bible verse. HAH!

It's not good to wear shorts in church.

You must read the Bible 3x a day.

Be might end up with them and lose your sanity as a Christian. haha!

These Christian will make you feel bad about yourself for committing sins

like smoking, drinking, homosexualities (will share my thoughts on this soon)

and all the immoralities you could think of.

They will make you think YOU ARE UNWORTHY OF GOD's LOVE



 THEY will always point at you with condemning eyes!


 that GOD gave you to enjoy....

your inheritance is JESUS.. the second type of Christian is where I'm into at..and my fave.

 The Grace, JESUS-filled Christians.

 With them, you only focus on JESUS in the midst of your failures, sins, struggles, worries and doubts.

 You embrace JESUS' sacrifice and appreciate His works at the cross. and always thanking for the cross.

 These are Christians "UNDER GRACE"...Grace means unmerited favour and unconditional love. 

When you are under just worship JESUS as who and what you are. Because GOD

KNOWS YOUR HEART. He knows you will fail Him ...that is why He sent JESUS as the sacrifice

for you and me so we could be reunited with our Abba, Father in Heaven someday!

 If you are a Christian now and not enjoying God's love because of fear or condemnation, pause for awhile and think of JESUS..

 Talk to Jesus and let Him give you the wisdom. He is always there for you ...

Enjoy this video that I found on youtube.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Tanner, 4 yr old boy recites Alphabet with Powerful Bible verses

This kid is sooooo anointed and will help advance God's kingdom here on earth.

 Wish my parents had taught me in my early years about JESUS!

 But no regrets now. Everything has its own reasons.

 I believe Abba will restore all that I have lost a hundredfold.

All those time and years that I have wasted wondering here on earth, lost and not knowing Him and my purpose.

 All the locusts have eaten and destroyed!

 God shall restore them all, so He can use me ALL FOR HIS GLORY!

 in JESUS mighty name... AMEEEEN!!

 Stand in awe this kid bless you with God's amazing truth..

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Justin Bieber - I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever / Cold Water - 20.09.16 (Paris, AccorHotels Arena)

I kept praying for Justin to stick to JESUS. and I think JESUS heard it.:)

In this world, it doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, famous or a nobody.


SO ACCEPT HIM NOW as your personal LORD and SAVIOR.

Say this prayer sincerely,

"God, I have sinned and was lost.

Thank you for redeeming me back through the works of Your only Son JESUS at the cross.

Father, it's only JESUS who can give me that peace beyond human understanding.

I sincerely accept Him now as my personal Lord and Savior. Amen!"


6 Hollywood Artists You Never Knew Were Christian

6 Artists You Never Knew Were Christian

I am always happy to hear quite of famous artists these days have reunited with God
by accepting Jesus as their personal LORD and SAVIOR!
I was reading through all the comments and as usually,
here comes some Christians by law who keep judging and looking at them on how they live their lives.

I call them the MODERN PHARISEES!

Hello guys! I just need to share some of thoughts on this.
That is why a lot of people or unbelievers hate CHRISTIANS SOOOOO MUCH
they wanna puke because these Christians under law want a good show,
want to become holy before the world! (HYPOCRITES!)

 YES! We wanna be holy and follow JESUS... nothing wrong with that.
 But for you as a Christian some more judging other Christians lifestyle is what?
Are you at peace with that? No! You are only spreading "hate" within yourself.

 Speaking of sin, You are already sinning, because you are judging God's children!

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.
Revelation 12:10

 You want to become a good example of how it is to become a CHRISTIAN.

 Go ahead! But not through judging others' lifestyle.

 You can spread how GOOD OUR FATHER IS.
and many more good stuff to lift up someone's dead spirit.

 In that way, you might be able to save a life out of depression.
 You see, there are many issues in life, whether you are rich, poor, famous, nobody, etc.

 The only thing that's needed to be done is to keep that FAITH and BELIEVE tha we have a GOOD, GOOD FATHER that will never leave us nor forsake us in times of trouble.

 You see, once you receive JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior,
 Your number one task is to KEEP THE FAITH, WORSHIP HIM and FINISH THE RUN RACE! 

KEEP THANKING JESUS no matter what happens in your life.
 GOOD or BAD, keep praising JESUS!!!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Advice to New Christians/ Believers

Advice to New Christians/ Believers

Was about to doze off but was prompted to share this with you guys.

(Sorry for the sneezing part. got too overwhelmed. lol! )

This is just an advice to new Christians/believers.

 Once you received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you will experience new things, unexpected things.

 The devil will try to pull you away from God because he doesn't want you to live a victorious life in Jesus.

 He will feed you negative thoughts like,

 "You are a Christian now, and look at you, what are you doing with your life."

 the devil will keep pointing at you.


 As a Christian we are WORK IN PROGRESS. We will never be perfect in this world.

 That is why GOD so loved us that HE SENT JESUS to save us from hell!

 So now that you have Jesus in your life, CONGRATULATIONS!!

 He will show you things than you've never imagined.

Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things,
which you do not know!"

 He will restore your health, finances, relationships. of course, it won't happen in a snap.

 While waiting for the manifestations of your faith, just keep worshipping Him..

 And believe He is working behind the scenes.

 DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE here and our youtube channel below too yah?
 MORE sharing to come!

Monday, February 12, 2018

How To Deal with A Broken Heart #MyChristianDiaryExposed Ep 1


How To Deal with A Broken Heart #MyChristianDiaryExposed Ep 1

We filmed this while having our late lunch after a good free massage. :)

 That's why my hair looked like a disaster haha!

 Anyways, we are going to post casual, candid videos like this in my blog.

 We just feel like sharing the word, and sharing our blessings in our own little way.

 We just used my phone on this, guess it's not too bad yah.

 Topic is "How To DEAL A BROKEN HEART" You know why, tons of people around the world experiences this.

 But the difference is, how you take them.

 What you do once you get hit by it. Yeah , it's painful man!

 But you gotta deal with it in cool way and smart way.

 How I did it?


 Yes! All my pains, brokenness, frustrations, sadness, regrets, disappointments,

 I gave it up to JESUS!

 And now I can just smile and say, "JESUS RESTORES A BROKEN HEART BEAUTIFULLY!" enuf said...

just watch our video yah? My parting word, whatever you do,

" TALK IT OUT TO JESUS" HE is your only miracle.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE AND LET's be FRIENDS..



There's A Catch | Pastor Steven Furtick

In every life, when the devil keeps feeding you with bad and scary thoughts of your future,

 you must learn to reject it and feed yourself with sermons like these.

 Steve Furtick is an amazing preacher.

 He gives me goosebumps everytime and WOOOW!

 The Word of God is alive again!

 He teaches not to lean or rely on our feelings but instead rely on
 God's promises in the Bible which are so true!

 This sermon has lifted my spirit up.

 Keep feeding your faith with this kind of Jesus-teachings and one day,
you'd be surprised, you get stung in JESUS' love!

 BE BLESSED! Don't forget to subscribe and let's share our journey together.