Friday, October 5, 2018

Joyce Meyer Spending Time With God

Joyce Meyer Spending Time With God

Joyce Meyer Spending Time With God

Joyce Meyer - Overcoming Worry and Anxiety

In your Christian walk with God, it is essential that you should keep

feeding and feeding your faith by listening to sermons like this. 

Joyce Meyer is one of my fave Jesus-filled preachers who has helped me overcome challenges

and setbacks in life.

 Without their ever-bold and powerful Jesus-teachings,

I don't know, maybe I committed suicide already.

 So Beloveds, the devil these days are looking for souls and mind to devour,

 DO NOT BE A VICTIM.. Power-up your shield, sit back and relax.


 We need this in the last days.


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Joyce Meyer Spending Time With God

Joyce Meyer Spending Time With God

Joyce Meyer - How Your Mind Affects Your Walk with God Sermon 2017

Joyce Meyer - How Your Mind Affects Your Walk with God Sermon 2017

 As a Christian, your mind is an integral part of your Christian walk.

 The devil loves to play with your mind feeding you with thoughts of defeat, fears, worries which distract you from fulfilling God's purpose in your life.

 Let's listen to Joyce Meyer and what she has to say about the battle in our mind.
 Be blessed!


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Our Sundays Be Like with Jesus in our lives. #CurlyChristians

I love to edit videos especially when it makes me money.

But this time, it's different.

I get an amazing feeling editing and producing vblogs for Jesus.

This is our other page which me and my Christian friends  created

main purpose is to let Jesus be known to LBTQ community.

I know LBTQ is a sensitive issue.

Society and even churches don't want us.

and almost everyone just want to stay away from God.

Which is sad.

Because in my personal , spiritual life, I need God and Jesus more than ever.

Jesus has been my peace and comfort from all the pains, frustrations and heartaches

that this world has to give.

Jesus won the battles for me.

Jesus has been my strength and source of wisdom,

that is why I survived this mad, fallen world.

GOOD NEWS right?

I won't talk much for now, just enjoy and be blessed in our lil vblog.

Don't forget to Follow us on (Curly Christians)
and let's chat:)

Remember, God wants you back because He loves you so.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Story Time: X-Atheist-Satanist comes to JESUS | J Brett Prince

This is an AMAZING testimony of an X-Atheist Satanist who came to Jesus! Please share and like this post, you never know who in your circle needs to hear this!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Our Daughter's Heart Stopped, then Jesus Walked in [Testimony]

This is one amazing testimony of a truly Family of God.

These guys , especially the dad, kept his PEACE in the midst of the storm no matter what.
While his daughter, Gabriella's heart stopped, they kept trusting in Jesus as their partner. and truly enough, JESUS didn't disappoint them.

As long as you believe who JESUS is in your life, man!

Amazing things happen!

Watch this full video and see God's power manifest in this wonderful family. 

Thank You Jesus!

Share so this sick world will know that there's healing in the name of JESUS!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Can you believe my migraine is gone?????

Finally, my Migraine is Gone testimony is here!

No more delays guys. I know and believe you need this word today.

if you are having health issues right now, keep believing in Jesus as your healer.

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed."

Isaiah 53:5

You are the victor in Christ!

At the cross, Jesus won it all for us.

So, let's not put His sacrifice in vain.

He loves us so.

and all He wants is for us to enjoy and abundant life, healthy so we can be 
a blessing to others too!

I forgot to mention in the video about how long now that I have not been attacked by migraines....

Well, it's like y rs straight plus.

I only get headaches if I am so tired and not able to sleep well at night
or exposed to so much heat.

Really, it's amazing feeling to be set free by this.

I am hoping you'd get the revelation of how good our God is.

He won't let you down.

Enjoy the video.

And will be doing more of this soon.

I really have a lot of good news and good stuff to share with you.

If you have questions about my migraine, just comment below yah?

So don't forget to Subscribe and chat soon!

Christian Vbloggers Youtube Channel Recommendations

I am trying so hard to vblog for Jesus lately. Lol! I don't know why.

I feel the Holy Spirit keeps pushing me.

(Sorry. I know HS doesn't push us to do things which is not coming from the heart, right?)

Anyways, I was just browsing through some Christian videos on youtube to get the feel
and perhaps learn some ideas.

And so blessed, I came across this beautiful channel.

You might wanna check it out too.

I like her vblogs.

Also , I have created a youtube channel @MyChristianDiary
You might wanna check it out and subs? Now, I only have 5 Subscribers including myself and my friends . hahah!

Okay dear friends..Enjoy her video first.
I'm still working on mine at this moment.