Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Advice to New Christians/ Believers

Advice to New Christians/ Believers

Was about to doze off but was prompted to share this with you guys.

(Sorry for the sneezing part. got too overwhelmed. lol! )

This is just an advice to new Christians/believers.

 Once you received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you will experience new things, unexpected things.

 The devil will try to pull you away from God because he doesn't want you to live a victorious life in Jesus.

 He will feed you negative thoughts like,

 "You are a Christian now, and look at you, what are you doing with your life."

 the devil will keep pointing at you.


 As a Christian we are WORK IN PROGRESS. We will never be perfect in this world.

 That is why GOD so loved us that HE SENT JESUS to save us from hell!

 So now that you have Jesus in your life, CONGRATULATIONS!!

 He will show you things than you've never imagined.

Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things,
which you do not know!"

 He will restore your health, finances, relationships. of course, it won't happen in a snap.

 While waiting for the manifestations of your faith, just keep worshipping Him..

 And believe He is working behind the scenes.

 DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE here and our youtube channel below too yah?
 MORE sharing to come!

Monday, February 12, 2018

How To Deal with A Broken Heart #MyChristianDiaryExposed Ep 1


How To Deal with A Broken Heart #MyChristianDiaryExposed Ep 1

We filmed this while having our late lunch after a good free massage. :)

 That's why my hair looked like a disaster haha!

 Anyways, we are going to post casual, candid videos like this in my blog.

 We just feel like sharing the word, and sharing our blessings in our own little way.

 We just used my phone on this, guess it's not too bad yah.

 Topic is "How To DEAL A BROKEN HEART" You know why, tons of people around the world experiences this.

 But the difference is, how you take them.

 What you do once you get hit by it. Yeah , it's painful man!

 But you gotta deal with it in cool way and smart way.

 How I did it?


 Yes! All my pains, brokenness, frustrations, sadness, regrets, disappointments,

 I gave it up to JESUS!

 And now I can just smile and say, "JESUS RESTORES A BROKEN HEART BEAUTIFULLY!" enuf said...

just watch our video yah? My parting word, whatever you do,

" TALK IT OUT TO JESUS" HE is your only miracle.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE AND LET's be FRIENDS..

Follow www.Facebook.com/myChristianDiary


There's A Catch | Pastor Steven Furtick

In every life, when the devil keeps feeding you with bad and scary thoughts of your future,

 you must learn to reject it and feed yourself with sermons like these.

 Steve Furtick is an amazing preacher.

 He gives me goosebumps everytime and WOOOW!

 The Word of God is alive again!

 He teaches not to lean or rely on our feelings but instead rely on
 God's promises in the Bible which are so true!

 This sermon has lifted my spirit up.

 Keep feeding your faith with this kind of Jesus-teachings and one day,
you'd be surprised, you get stung in JESUS' love!

 BE BLESSED! Don't forget to subscribe and let's share our journey together.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

I Prophesy - PlanetShakers

PROPHESY | Official Planetshakers Music Video

 Love this song from Planetshakers so much.

 I got to hear it only at PlanetShakers Legacy Tour Concert 2018 in Singapore yesterday.

You see, you should start declaring God's word in your life to manifest. 

He loves hearing it from you.

 That's where effortless FAITH comes from, I believe.


because HE DOESN't LIE! YES!!! Just prophesy!