Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Victory Begins In The Dark | Joel Osteen

Some Christians would say this pastor is false prophet blah blah.

You know what? 

You don't really need to listen to these kind of Christians who judge people 

especially pastors. 

Okay, We know some pastors fail and have been jailed etc.

BUT...may I ask you..is it really your mission to know who is a false prophet or not?

I say, deepen your relationship with Jesus and you will know it effortlessly.

Because the Holy Spirit teaches us ALL THINGS!

Talk to Jesus if it bothers you.

Debate or argue with Jesus.

But don't ever sacrifice your peace because you get worry if some Christians 

tell you that who you're following is a false prophet.

I keep seeing on blogs, youtubes some Christians spend a lot of time vlogging about them.

To spread who the false prophets are. I say...HELLO? Why not spend their time listening to worship

and Jesus' preachings instead of condemning pastors or other believers?

We are created to praise and worship Jesus and not condemn others?

Do you agree and can say "Amen"? to me?

I don't know with you guys.

My peace is more important than spending my time on worthless vlogs

that says bad things about other people.

I'd rather spend time with Jesus...in silence.

What about you?

Hope you get blessed by Ps Joel Osteen's sermon.

You see, if the preaching lifts up your spirit and make you feel at peace ..

stick with it.

Dig deeper the word of God and you'll know.

Chat soon!

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